Agenda Parish Council Meeting
Meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th November 2022
At the Culcheth Centre
Chairman N Johnson Vice Chairman K Bland
Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, V Allen, C Benson, C Smith, J Seddon, S Carr
PART 1 Welcome & Open
To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence
2.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests
- Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations
3. To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 11th October 2022
4. Police Report
5.1 To receive a report from the Planning Committee and to review applications
5.2 To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 25th October 2022
6.1 To receive a report from the Land & Environment Committee and to review to date
6.2 To approve the Minutes of the Land & Environment Meeting held on 25th October
7.1 To approve increase in Clerks pay as per national agreement from April 1st 2022
7.2 To approve payments for October & November
7.3 Scribe update
7.4 Budget
Policies & documents to review & adopt
Complaints Policy etc
9. Clerks Report – items not included in other agenda items
10. Borough Councillor Report – Cllr Allen
11. Chairman’s Communications
12. To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting
This meeting will be closed and opened to the public.
Meeting opens to the Public
PART 2 None