
PC Minutes March 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 14, 2023


Parish Council Meeting

held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th March 2023

at the Culcheth Centre

Chairman N Johnson Vice Chairman K Bland
Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, V Allen, C Benson, C Smith, J Seddon, S Carr

PART 1 Welcome & Open
1. To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence
Cllr Smith

2. 2.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests
Cllrs Allen, Benson, and Carr declared an interest in agenda item 5.

2.2 Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations

3. To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 14th February 2023

Resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 14th February 2023 are agreed as a true record

4 Police Report for February 2023 for Culcheth, Glazebury & Croft

Engagement/activity – February activity
Surgeries / Bike marking – 3/2/23
School visits – 3/2/23, 28/2/23 (two schools this day)

The below stats outline incidents reported 01/02/2022 – 28/02/2022
Anti-Social Behaviour – 8 reports Culcheth: 8 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 0
Burglary Dwelling – 1 report Culcheth: 1 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 0
Burglary Others – 1 report Culcheth: 1 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 0
Vehicle Crime / Offences – 13 reports Culcheth: 10 Glazebury: 3 Croft: 0
Criminal Damage – 3 reports Culcheth: 3 Glazebury: 0 Croft: 0

Report compiled by PCSO 24026 Morris (07/03/23)

Clerk to request further information and an action plan for ASB & vehicle crime.

5 5.1 Planning Committee Report
Cllr K Bland reported that comments had been submitted to WBC for previous applications.

5.2 To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 28th February 2023

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February 2023 be agreed as a true record, agreed by all

5.3 Review applications
A current list of applications was issued, which Councillors reviewed.

5.4 Agree comments for submission
Councillors agreed applications to review further and comments for submission.

Clerk to submit agreed comments to WBC

6 6.1 Land & Environment Committee Report
Cllr Bland gave a summary report, including plans for Community Day see 6.3.

6.2 To approve the Minutes of the Land & Environment Committee Meeting held on 28th February 2023

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February 2023 be agreed as a true record, agreed by all

6.3 Community Day Working Group
Cllr S Bland reviewed content of the flyer etc with Councillors. Scouts will be available to deliver. All performers are booked. The kick rail will be installed soon, which will allow for an entrance and exit on the day. Marshalls attending will be guided by Councillors. The Clerk reports that the Event Management Plan has been sent to WBC who may advise. All Councillors are named on the document.
One section on First Aid may be revised as provision may be given by the company supplying the marshals. A copy of the insurance document is needed for the fair.
Cllr Alldred suggested purchase of a fire extinguisher and blanket.

Cllr K & S Bland to arrange flyers and posters

6.4 Land & Environment for further discussion & future meetings

Remembrance Service

7 Finance
7.1 Review payments to be made
A list for this month was issued. Further payments will be made on receipt of invoices prior to year end. There will be a final BT payment of £18 and the account is closed.

7.2 Agree supplier payment agreements for 2023/2024
Notification of increased prices have been received from, or are due from WBC, Torus,
Freshstart, and Culcheth Life. This was discussed. Clerk to request price for a half page.
And consider for future own leaflet, obtain a price from the Essential Guide.

Clerk to contact Culcheth Life etc

7.3 Resolve those payments be made and revised supplier prices agreed

Resolved that the payments are agreed and revised supplier prices are agreed, as given, and instructed in 7.2 above except for Culcheth Life, agreed by all

8 Borough Councillor Report
Statement by Cllr Valerie Allen in answer to Cllr Peter Holmes question on conflict of interest and code of conduct issues.

This falls into to two parts: –
Declaring an interest
The arrangement for funding planning advice between the two councils does not appear to be a disclosable pecuniary interest and therefore not something which obliges me to leave the room and not vote.
However, it then falls to be a matter which could be considered still as an interest but where I would use my own judgment and discretion as to my participation.
The advice for future similar matters is, in the first instance is to record my interest at the meeting for sake of transparency.
As I am not the only Councillor who may need to make such as declaration, then it is suggested this is a matter for discussion between the two respective Clerks.
Code of Conduct
The second part is to look at how such an interest is addressed in the Code of Conduct for each of the respective Parishes when I am involved in deciding on participation.
This scenario has appeared before, however, going forward each decision should be considered on its own individual merits.
The question is whether my membership of the other Parish Council means that I am unable to consider the matter objectively, however, as a long standing parish councillor on both parishes, I feel that my approach has been balanced, and, over the past years proved that the main aim of saving both parish councils money and ensuring that a joint approach to matters that concern the area as a whole, and that my intensions have been seen to be in the wider public interest.
It is notable that my membership of both Parish Councils is a democratic appointment and not a personal one as it would be to for example, to a private company and that I have no financial gain from any such decisions.

Going forward, If I do decide to take part then I will declare an interest and explain why I have chosen to take part and demonstrate that I have an open mind throughout.

The Questions for the Parishes Councils is, do we want to continue with this arrangement or not?
If so, then the two Clerks need to devise an agreement that works for both Parishes and enables those councillors on two parishes to partake or not.

9 Chairman’s Communications

The Chairman thanked all for attending and continued support in the community.

10 To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting

All at Glazebury Methodist Church
28th March 6pm Planning
6.30pm Land & Environment
7pm Clerk review
11th April 7.30pm Parish Council Meeting

Closed 8.30pm

Meeting opens to the Public

None present

Councillors discussed and considered the previous and new websites. Possibility of putting new one into maintenance mode and updating the previous one, to give time to consider which serves the PC best.