
PC Minutes January 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 6, 2023

Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council


    MINUTES Of the Parish Council Meeting held  on Tuesday 10th January 2023 At the Culcheth Centre


Chairman N Johnson      Vice Chairman K Bland

Councillors S Bland, B Alldred, P Holmes, V Allen, C Benson, C Smith, J Seddon, S Carr


PART 1   Welcome & Opened 7.30pm

  1. To receive member’s apologies for unavoidable absence

Received & approved from Cllr S Bland

Absent Cllr Carr

  1. 1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests

Cllrs Allen and Benson declared an interest in planning application 2022/42731. 2.2 Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations    


 To approve the Minutes of the previous PC meeting held on 13th December


 Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th December are agreed as a true record, agreed by all.


  1. Police Report – Report provided but not available to attend this evening.

Culcheth, Glazebury & Croft PC Meeting, Police Report for December 2022                                 

Engagement/activity – December activity

Op Jingles – Festive events and patrols shopping areas

Police Surgery – 08/12/22 at Bents Garden Centre

Bike marking/Surgeries – Shaw Street Culcheth/Croft Youth Club 14/12, 29/12, Glazebury at Bents Garden Centre 30/12/22

Culcheth & Glazebury PC meeting – attended by PC Hankin

Speed enforcement – 5/12 Warrington Rd Culcheth – no activations

All Social Media post relating to the above activity.

The below stats outline incidents reported 01/12/2022 – 31/12/2022

Anti-Social Behaviour – 3 reports

Culcheth: 2 

Culcheth Hall Drive – youths, no damage

Warrington Road – youths, garage roof

Glazebury: 1   Queens Avenue – fireworks complaint

Croft:  No reports

Burglary Dwelling – 0 reports

Burglary Others – 0 Report

Vehicle Crime/ Offences – 0 Report

Criminal Damage – 1 Report

Culcheth:  1x window damage

Glazebury: Nothing to report

Croft: Nothing to report

Report compiled by PCSO 20367 Roberts and PCSO 24026 Morris (04/01/23)


Councillor comments

4.1 Static speed sign At Glazebury is not working.

4.2 Councillors would like advance notice of police events taking place,

eg a notice seen today advertises for Thursday which does not give time to enable attendance.

4.3 Why is the recent incident reported to PC not recorded above?

4.4 At the previous PC meeting Councillors understood that a PCSO was being allocated for the area. But elsewhere it is reported to be limited times from April.

An accurate update is needed please.


Clerk to forward to PCSO and Police


  1. 1 Planning Committee

There was no December meeting. All comments previously submitted to WBC.


5.2  Review applications

A list was issued of recent applications, comments are due before the next meeting.


Clerk to submit agreed comments


  1. 1 Land & Environment Committee

There was no December meeting. Items for the Agenda for 31/01/2023 include

Christmas Market

Bench or tree in memory of a previous councillor

Fundraising for a Christmas tree

Community Day


Land Glazebury


  1. Finance

7.1 Report on Meeting held on 5th January 2023

Cllr Alldred gave a summary of the meeting. Councillors have a copy of the minutes.  Accounts and a budget were considered and discussed.  Note that the value of earmarked reserves, eg play area, will no longer purchase the same items. The recommendation is to keep the precept the same. An update has been requested from WBC, but nothing has been received.


Clerk to contact Cllr R Bowden


7.2 Approve Minutes

Note that the Minutes of the Finance Meeting held on 13th December were agreed at the Finance Meeting held on 5th January 2023.


Resolved that the Minutes of the Finance meeting held on  5th January 2023 be agreed as a true record, agreed by all


7.3 Approve payments to be made

A list of payments was issued.


Resolved that the payments for January are agreed and approved for payment, agreed by all


7.4 Agree and set the precept

The Finance Committee recommend that the precept remains the same for each band as it was for 2022/2023.


Resolved that the Precept remains the same as 2022/2023 with Band D at £37.92, and other bands as appropriate, and a total of £129383 agreed by all

  1. Clerks Report – items not included in other agenda item

Correspondences have all been forwarded to Councillors apart from Bank statements received today.

Note: receipt from resident’s emails regarding footpaths, planning, insurance are all being followed up as appropriate.

Social media Clerk to post updates eg defibrillator queries, which Councillors can then add to other groups

 Clerk to forward resident letter re pavements to Croft

  1. Borough Councillor Report

Cllr Benson’s report

9.1 Building Lots of worried residents realising they may have an unwanted building site forced on them by WBC both in Culcheth and Croft.

9.2 Play Area  Serious questions to be asked over planned matched funding for Culcheth play area. This was fully supported by senior Directors and Officers, but Cabinet reduced the allocation from WBC and funds given to a ward where residents did not request it. They complain they have had no consultation. Very strange.

9.3 Precept Very pleased the finance committee has proposed no increase in precept for this year. Thank you, Cllr Allen, for proposing this. Our residents need as much help as we can give them and every little helps.

9.4 water leak Pleased to get a quick response to burst pipe on Warrington Road Saturday evening. UU and electricity NW completed repairs. Fortunately, the local gully drains had been cleaned and took most of water away without too much issue.

9.5 Flooding Several other areas flooding – Lodge drive/Kirkby Road being addressed. Collapsed drains in Glazebury being repaired yesterday.

  • Land use Lady asking about land behind scout hut.
  • Defibrillator Incorrect info being given re defib machines on Culcheth Memories. Users must phone 999 to get code and location of nearest machine. Being told 111 which is wrong and potentially could cause a delay with dreadful consequences.
  • Land Glazebury A member of the public has asked about ownership of this land and wants to look into allotments.

9.9 Flies Cllr Allen reported that she had attended a meeting with the Environmental Officers of Warrington Borough Council, along with several residents, for an update on the fly infestation over summer and the odour affecting homes across Culcheth.  The environmental team are liaising with the Environment Agency to find the source of the odour and map the fly infestation in terms of how large an area was affected.  Cllr Allen has asked to accompany the team on one of their scheduled visits to the composting facility on Wilton Lane.  The team had stressed the importance of residents logging and reporting odours and fly number over the coming year and to report their findings to the Council.

  1. Chairman’s Communications

Car park There remain problems with the ANPR camera on the car park. A resident has had a fine for parking overnight which is not believed to be the case.

 To confirm Date & Venue of next meeting

6pm       Tuesday 31st January Planning Committee at Culcheth Library

6.30pm Tuesday 31st January Land & Environment Committee at Culcheth Library

7.30pm Tuesday 14th February Parish Council at Glazebury Methodist Church

6pm      Tuesday 21st February Finance Committee at Culcheth Library

Closed 8.20pm

           Meeting opens to the Public 8.20-8.40

One member of the public in attendance.

Planning The member of the public understands that the Local Plan has been declared unsound.

          Play Area Culcheth Green The member of the public member of the public gave a summary of his understanding of the current situation with WBC. The member of the public did ask a question about whether any parish Councillor has had contact with WBC, with regard to the funding for the play area on the village green. Nobody had from the Councillors who had attended.

                    All comments are noted.

Thank you to all for attending this evening.

           PART 2     None