August 2023 Parish News
Cheshire Special Constabulary.
If you would like to support your neighbours in Culcheth & Glazebury by volunteering your time as a special constable, Cheshire Constabularies website gives lots of details about what the role entails and how to volunteer. The QR code opposite links to these details.
Planning Concerns
The Parish Council is consulted on planning applications. If you have an opinion on an application, please let the clerk or councillors know as soon as possible within the 21-day consultation period.
Newchurch Primary Pupils Win Award for Team Safety Project.
Cllr Carol Benson was delighted to be invited to present the award to Lewis and Harry from year 5 at Newchurch Primary School. As nominated Safety Officers they worked with their class colleagues and across the school to come up with ideas for projects and campaigns to raise the profile of safety in school & the local community. This included playground checks, making posters and advertising how to use equipment safely and even running a leaflet campaign for residents to encourage them not to leave cars idling to reduce emissions. They held a bike tagging session and invited the local PCSOs to come to school to discuss community safety. The competition was open to all Primary Schools across Warrington, this year Newchurch were the winning school.
Warrington Own Bus Fare Reductions.
Warrington’s Own Bus fare reductions have been under way from the start of July. Reduced £2 single fares for adults are available at any time and on any route. Single bus fares for children and young people up to the age of 18 will be reduced to just £1 on most routes in Warrington. Simply bring proof of your age and travel at any time of day for £1. Unlimited concessionary pass use, catch the bus from any Warrington bus stop with no need to wait until 9.30am for your pass to be valid. The QR code opposite links to more information.
Fly Tipping in our Local Area.
To report fly tipping or littering you’ll need to contact Warrington Borough Council. You need to give as much detail as possible about the location of the fly-tipping or littering, give an approximate date of when the rubbish was dumped, or when you first noticed it. A description of what has been dumped, and the quantity. The QR code opposite links to information on how to report Fly Tipping.
Next Meeting September 12th at 7:30pm in Glazebury Methodist Church.