
Planning Inspectorate anouncement regarding: Appeal Ref: APP/M0655/W/23/3326007 C P S Centre, 7-9 Common Lane, Culcheth, Warrington WA3 4EH

Appeal Decision
Site visit made on 11 and 15 April 2024
by Mr W Johnson BA(Hons) DipTP DipUDR MRTPI
an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State
Decision date: 24 June 2024

Appeal Ref: APP/M0655/W/23/3326007
C P S Centre, 7-9 Common Lane, Culcheth, Warrington WA3 4EH

• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as
amended) against a failure to give notice within the prescribed period of a decision on
an application for planning permission.
• The appeal is made by Mr A Cohen of Shivat Haminim Capital Limited against
Warrington Borough Council.
• The application Ref is 2022/42633.
• The development proposed is for the replacement of existing car parking area with a
two-storey mixed-use building consisting of two Class E units at ground floor level and
three residential units at first floor level, new public realm and ancillary works.

1. The appeal is dismissed.