3rd Warrington East (1st Culcheth) Scout Group

3rd Warrington East (1st Culcheth) Scout Group

Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to 400,000 girls and boys across the UK. We have a positive impact on young people, our adult volunteers and the communities in which we live.

Offering a huge and varied range of indoor and outdoor activities, Scouting helps 6-25 year olds grow in confidence, achieve their full potential and become active members of their communities.

The 3rd Warrington East (1st Culcheth) Scout Group is based in its own premises at Culcheth Scout Centre, a purpose built facility in Jackson Avenue where as well as excellent accommodation we have a comprehensive range of equipment covering climbing, camping, hiking, canoeing and pioneering as well as crafts and indoor activities.


We have three sections:

  • Beavers (aged 6 to8) Tuesdays 6-7pm
  • Cubs (aged 8 to 10) Fridays 6-7.30pm
  • Scouts (aged 10 to 14) Tuesdays 7.30-9.15pm

We welcome all youngsters to come along and take part in the fun. Drop in and speak to our Leaders or contact us below.


Adult Opportunities

We also have opportunities for adults to take part in the adventure, either as helpers or leaders. Many adults volunteer their time on a flexible basis and enjoy the rewards as well as making a real difference to their community. Why not join people like Bear Grylls who is our Chief Scout and HRH The Duchess of Cambridge who is a Scouting volunteer at her local cub pack and beaver colony.

If you can help or wish more information then please contact us or visit 1stculchethscouts.org.uk

Rob Anderson, Chairman, tel: 01925 762435,  email: rob@andersonweb.me.uk
Christine Housby, Leader tel: 07729 784121,  email: GSL@1stculchethscouts.org.uk

Life is an Adventure, Live it.